
A papa’s delight is a toddler’s terror (Letter #041)

We'd have been *really* scared if we'd seen what was behind us!

Papa learned a valuable parenting lesson this past weekend: It’s really easy to over-estimate your child’s readiness for things.

We took Baobao to the Luskville Falls trail in Gatineau Park on Saturday, where the southern tip of Canadian Shield descends into the Saint Lawrence Lowlands. Our intention: to hike at least part of the Luskville Falls Trail.

In retrospect, a pretty dumb idea even if conditions had been ideal. The National Capital Commission rates it as a “Difficult” climb, and we had a toddler in tow.

But it wasn’t the difficulty that made us turn around. Read More …

Expectations and comparisons (Letter 013)

Photo shows three pictures of Baobao sitting with big brother Carl the Second behind her

In which Papa Zesser ponders sudden panic, the dangers (and benefits) of comparing cousins, and revels in a sudden accomplishment. Also, he finds himself disregarding the advice of Doctor Spock against his better judgement.