Papa’s Diary – Monsters! (Monsters?)

In which Papa Zesser finds that the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic is starting to wear on him.
And worse, that it is start to affect his daughter’s development.
Yes, I’m angry. Read more …
In which Papa Zesser finds that the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic is starting to wear on him.
And worse, that it is start to affect his daughter’s development.
Yes, I’m angry. Read more …
In which Papa Zesser confessens to behaving badly, in the face of anti-maskers out in public.
Should he swear at people while out with his daughter? Almost certainly not! And yet, he did …
In which Papa Zesser returns from a visit with Mama Raven and toddler Baobao to Parc de le Gatineau with decidedly mixed emotions.
As the west coast of the United States burns, five tropical storms churn through the Caribbean, and both fire and floods afflict much of the rest of the world, Baobao and company are able to visit a beautiful park in which, so it seems, all is well with the world.