
366 days makes a year

Photo of Papa Zesser with Baby Baobao at table with cards and cake for first birthday, August 19, 2020.

In which Papa Zesser – 3 days late, but we won’t mention it here – returns at last to look back in celebration of the first year in his daughter’s life. What a ride it’s been!

Baby’s got a brand new box! (Letter #019)

Photo of smiling baby Baobao in a box

In which Papa Zesser looks upon his spawn enjoying a new toy on the ninth month anniversary of her birth, and wonders: Why – o! why?!? – did we bother actually buying her anything to play with?

Babies work in mysterious ways. Click the headline to read more.

Happy stress day to us (Letter 012)

Selfie detail of a very tired Papa Zesser, 2020-04-19.

In which Papa Zesser looks back on 244 days of his darling Baobao’s life, and is forced to consider how lucky he and Raven have been – because yesterday was a hard day indeed. Click the headline above to read more …