The world’s best pumpkin pie! Papa Zesser | April 6, 2020 In which Papa Zesser adds food-blogging to his site. We start with the unseasonable World’s Best Pumpkin Pie!
Nothing to fear but falling itself (Letter #009) Papa Zesser | March 31, 2020 In which Papa Zesser looks back on his first moment of terror as a father. Read more by clicking the headline above.
Cheesed off? (Letter #008) Papa Zesser | March 30, 2020 In which Papa Zessers ponders human adaptability. And also looks back (with video proof!) on your first encounter with cheese!
Plague Diary #002 (Letter #007) Papa Zesser | March 29, 2020 In which Papa Zesser looks back on his last letter and wonders if he came across too glib. Also, your mother was right again!
Plague Diary #001 (Letter #006) Papa Zesser | March 24, 2020 In which Papa Zesser acknowledges the plague of Covid-19 and his own, relatively privileged position. While others are suffering greatly, we have so far been only inconvenienced. (And pictured here is Asta indicating she wants no more milk by carefully cupping the nipple with her palm.)
Happy 7th month, darling daughter! Papa Zesser | March 21, 2020 In which Papa Zesser finds himself celebrating yet another “birthday”. Parents do funny things, but whaddya gonna do? Besides, “Happy Birthday” is out of copyright, so you’ll *know* I took advantage – and you want to hear me sing!
Letter to my daughter #004 Papa Zesser | March 8, 2020 In which Papa Zesser strives to justify to his daughter his long absence from this blog. It’s true, she’s having none of it, but maybe you will!
Letter to my daughter #003 Papa Zesser | March 6, 2020 In which Papa Zesser acknowledges and celebrates your 200th day on Earth. Where has the time gone, by darling daughter?
Letter to my daughter #0002 Papa Zesser | December 20, 2019 In which Papa Zesser looks back upon an encounter with Saint Nicholas, and ponders the importance of being honest with one’s child balanced with the value of joyful myth.
Letter to my daughter #0001 Papa Zesser | November 28, 2019 In which Papa Zesser celebrates his daughter’s 100th day on Earth, in his first (of many? he hopes so!) epistle to his darling daughter.